Doug is asleep, so I thought I would write to you all to let you know what we have been up to. We have been staying with my Aunty Yvonnie and Uncle Barry for the past three weeks whilst working to make up some funds to enjoy the summer. We have decided to work up until Christmas and then spend some time tramping.
Doug’s been working extremely hard as a labourer digging ditches and washing down trucks. Last week he was taking apart office furniture built from aluminium which was being thrown out, so he stacked it up in our van and has taken it to be recycled, he got $70 for the lot. I on the other hand have not been doing “man” work. I have been working in a nice, friendly cake factory where I get to decorate and pack thousands of cakes.
We wake up most morning around 4-5 am ready for work and finish around 3pm. Doug drops me off at the cake factory for 5am some days 6:30 then goes off to his job for 9am, I usually finish work around 3 so have been running home, whilst Doug gets home around 5pm with the van.
We have been walking up the mount a fair bit on our days off and sleeping.
Yesterday we went to Rotorua where we watched the Christmas parade, the Christmas floats passed full of children from the local schools. It was very creative, the floats where mainly beach orientated with sprinkles of glitter and tinsel. The sun was beaming down and Doug was dodging the sun at every opportunity, soon as we got home he had a cold shower and seemed to be feeling a lot better.
Today we will be fixing up the van; we have made some new cushion covers for the bed and seats, put in new curtains and will now be painting the furniture with a fresh coat of white paint. Tomorrow Doug is not guaranteed work, which has worked in our favour as we have a muffler which needs replacing at the garage. Our van is slowly being renovated to bring it up to date and to suit our lifestyle.
So all in all, life’s been sweet down under so far, and our holiday time is about to begin, we hope you are all well and keeping warm. England’s been on the news and the snows looking very festive indeed, we wish you a merry Christmas and are thinking of you all through the festive season.
Much love to you all
Penny x